Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Argument essay about smoking.

This is an observation which has become more and more widespread in the world inrecent years. Nowadays, around the world, on all airlines and in most public places like Malls and shopping centers, smoking is strictly prohibited.

There are still smokers who often justify smoking by as an individual freedom. They insist that they have a right to expend their money as they desire. in addition, the smoking gives them pleasure and also benefits them by helping them to calm down and relieve stress.  for myself I agree with this point of view because I am a smoker and I fell of all that, but I also believe that freedom of choice and action as long as this does not be in somebody's space. So people can smoke but in private locations where no non-smokers are around.

In fact , smoking in public areas causes  a lot of suffering and discomfort to non-smokers. It’s not just an issue of distress. The scientific facts that smoking damages health are unquestionable. The evidence of the links between smoking and respiratory diseases and heart problems is indisputable. Governments began to recognize this over the past years and the first steps  taken were to ban TV advertising of tobacco products and to oblige cigarette manufacturers to place health warnings on cigarette packets. There is also passive smoking that causes health problems and because of that banning of smoking in public places was imposed worldwide.

Despite the fact that it is important to respect individual freedom it has no doubt that smoking is a damaging to society and should be prohibited in public places.
Total words: 269

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