Monday, April 25, 2011

Hurricanes and Turnadoes

The table describes information about two strong winds, the hurricanes and tornadoes. Both are similar in damage but they are different. I will describe the differences according to the given information in the table.
Firstly, the minimum speed of a hurricane is 74 mph, but is 40 mph of a tornado, and the maximum speed of a tornado, 250-300 mph,  which is higher than hurricane, 155-200 mph. The hurricane is classified on the Saffir-Simpson C1-5 scale, whereas the tornado is measured on the Fujita F0-F5 scale. a tornado usually lasts from a few minutes to a few hours, where a hurricane can last up to a week. A hurricane can be predicted 2-3 days in advance for a wide area and 6-10 hours in advance for a zone, but a tornado can be predicted only minutes before it hits. Hurricanes start over warm oceans but tornadoes usually originate over land.

In short, tornadoes more dangerous, as they last for a shorter period of time and can reach much higher wind speeds and cause more damage.
Total words, 177

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