Thursday, April 21, 2011

Population growth, 1750 to 2150

Population is growing day after day in the entire world. The expected growth in less developed countries till the year 2150 is really huge. The illustrated graph gives an explanation of that.
As we can see in the graph the population was less than a billion in 1750s but it was raised rapidly to nearly 2 billion by 1950s. The population growth then continued after 1950 but this time it was dramatically faster as it reached in 2000s 6.1 billion and it is still growing fast. The United Nations expects the population will be 10 billion in less developed countries by 2150. On the other hand in more development countries the population in 1750s was almost the same as the poor countries which was less than one billion. The growth then was very much less and was almost 1 billion in 2000s. the united nations expects the growth in developed countries will be constant up to the year 2150 which will be less than 2 billion.
In conclusion, less developed countries population is carrying a hidden alarm that food sources, water and living areas can face a big shortage if this is continued.

Total words: 193

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