Monday, April 25, 2011

Reflection 3

In this semester we mainly focused in two type of writing
1.    Description of graphs
2.    Problem and solution
In the first one, we started with different shapes of charts such as pie charts and normal graphs.  We focused in 3 simple paragraph construction, we started to describe one graph in the beginning and then with 2 graphs. The subjects that we covered were varied, as an example we had graphs for valentines’ day gift, date producing countries and hurricanes and tornadoes.
For the second essay we used 4 graph construction method starting with introduction to describe the problem and then stating causes, solutions and finally the conclusion of the best possible solution.We had different topics that we looked for causes and solutions from our perspective and opinions, this type of essay help me a lot to deal with such type of writing and in the same time it develop my skills for analyzing problems and finding possible solutions.
Total words: 159

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