Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Argument: capital punishment

Lots of world countries have a system of capital punishment; on the other hand some other countries like Britain, have abolished it. So What are the negative and the positive sides of capital punishment?

One of the opinions against was that as there was always the chance of a legal inaccuracy which can lead to an execution of a guiltless person. There is also the ethical dispute that says killing is wrong when it is committed by someone, so how can it be right if permitted by court. Moreover, in many countries, a common belief that a capital penalty has no place in a educated civilization. There is in Britain, the government considered take the public executions as barbaric, and returning to capital punishment would be a conservative, and uncivilized step. So authority commonly vote against return of the death penalty.

There are still many arguments to support the capital punishment. They believe that if you kill someone you deserve to be killed. This is backed by the holy arguments in most of holy books. Moreover, some crimes are so terrible that the criminal can no more live in the society and the death penalty is the one they deserve. One of the arguments says that criminals can be rehabilitated but in regard to murderers the release can lead to worse murder cases as they might still have the dare and the desire to commit awful murder crimes as there will be no death penalty and at the same time have a motive to do so with the promise of a release which in this case makes the society unnstable and in big fear if they are released. however Another argument in favour is that at the present time, with DNA evidence, there is a small chance of a wrongful conviction. As a final point, killers who stay in jail for long times cost more money from the taxpayers and why should they pay for such service.

There are some moral arguments against capital punishment nevertheless, in my opinion, sticking with the holy books and implementing a strong sanction will deter others from killing or committing.

Total words: 353

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