Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Argument essay: mobile phones

There is a lot of evidence to confirm that using mobile phones while driving is the major cause of traffic accidents growing number.

There are of course two sides to any argument. Having a mobile phone with you wherever you go even in a car is a must nowadays,  For instance, people need to have phones with them while they are driving at the night for any emergency should that happen, specially the women, it is the first security factor in the hand when you are in danger or driving alone in remote areas. And if you are in risk you can call for help;  moreover you can be called by your relatives if they need you in case of any emergency they would face. In short, your life could depend on it.

Having said all this, it is not found good to speak in the mobile while you are driving. You can always find a safe place to stop before using your phone. Drivers would be distracted by mobiles while driving as they could loose their focus in the road even if they use the hands free gadget as it is difficult to focus in the road clearly and at the same time you are busy with the phone. It has become a major problem worldwide and a lot of countries have banned the use of handheld phones while driving. In the U.A.E, the authority banned the use of mobile while driving and imposes a firm penalty on the violators to curb this phenomena.

Having your mobile with you in your car is better,. However, you should always find a safe place to park before using it. There is a great evidence that using a mobile while driving can cause major accidents.
Total words: 302

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