Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Argument essay: censorship

Should governments control what we watch and read?
Censorship is a hot subject and brings strong feelings worldwide. What are the pros and cons?
The arguments against censorship are mainly based on the meaning of preserving individual freedom and choice. Why should any government intervene in a matured adults viewing or reading? followed by the question of political freedom. Governments see that some materials are unsuitable for public consumption, maybe because they are too violent or sexually explicit, whereas they could be to some extent  good educational material. Sometimes goverment are censoring ideas and opinions which they disagree with or which they think threaten their own hold on power .this is a form of political censorship, unaceptable in a free society.

On the other hand, lack of any censorship at all seems impossible to lots of educated adults. To start with, without doubt it is necessary to protect young people from violent or inappropriate material which could have a harmful effect on their growth and their manners. Speaking of protecting children, surely it is also right to block access to certain pedophile materials and websites. There is obviously a need here for some degree of policing and control by some authority, whether governmental or not.
Some degree of censorship would therefore look necessary to protect society at large and young people in particular provided that  the priceless freedoms of thought and expression is not touched.
total words : 262

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