Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Argument essay: censorship

Should governments control what we watch and read?
Censorship is a hot subject and brings strong feelings worldwide. What are the pros and cons?
The arguments against censorship are mainly based on the meaning of preserving individual freedom and choice. Why should any government intervene in a matured adults viewing or reading? followed by the question of political freedom. Governments see that some materials are unsuitable for public consumption, maybe because they are too violent or sexually explicit, whereas they could be to some extent  good educational material. Sometimes goverment are censoring ideas and opinions which they disagree with or which they think threaten their own hold on power .this is a form of political censorship, unaceptable in a free society.

On the other hand, lack of any censorship at all seems impossible to lots of educated adults. To start with, without doubt it is necessary to protect young people from violent or inappropriate material which could have a harmful effect on their growth and their manners. Speaking of protecting children, surely it is also right to block access to certain pedophile materials and websites. There is obviously a need here for some degree of policing and control by some authority, whether governmental or not.
Some degree of censorship would therefore look necessary to protect society at large and young people in particular provided that  the priceless freedoms of thought and expression is not touched.
total words : 262

Argument: capital punishment

Lots of world countries have a system of capital punishment; on the other hand some other countries like Britain, have abolished it. So What are the negative and the positive sides of capital punishment?

One of the opinions against was that as there was always the chance of a legal inaccuracy which can lead to an execution of a guiltless person. There is also the ethical dispute that says killing is wrong when it is committed by someone, so how can it be right if permitted by court. Moreover, in many countries, a common belief that a capital penalty has no place in a educated civilization. There is in Britain, the government considered take the public executions as barbaric, and returning to capital punishment would be a conservative, and uncivilized step. So authority commonly vote against return of the death penalty.

There are still many arguments to support the capital punishment. They believe that if you kill someone you deserve to be killed. This is backed by the holy arguments in most of holy books. Moreover, some crimes are so terrible that the criminal can no more live in the society and the death penalty is the one they deserve. One of the arguments says that criminals can be rehabilitated but in regard to murderers the release can lead to worse murder cases as they might still have the dare and the desire to commit awful murder crimes as there will be no death penalty and at the same time have a motive to do so with the promise of a release which in this case makes the society unnstable and in big fear if they are released. however Another argument in favour is that at the present time, with DNA evidence, there is a small chance of a wrongful conviction. As a final point, killers who stay in jail for long times cost more money from the taxpayers and why should they pay for such service.

There are some moral arguments against capital punishment nevertheless, in my opinion, sticking with the holy books and implementing a strong sanction will deter others from killing or committing.

Total words: 353

Should children be raised to co-operate or to compete?

This is a universal conundrum and not one that is easy to answer. I think there are compelling reasons to support both sides of the argument.

In favour of raising children to be competitive is the fact that it is a natural human trait to for a survival  both at school and at work and an obvious way to do this is to establish competition between then . they need to strive, so they will  be able to accomplish difficult goals, by doing this important life-saving and life-enhancing benefits will be brought to their life, moreover competition in sports is healthy and natural and will teach them the sweetness of success and the bitterness of the failure.

On the other hand, it is more important that children learn the benefits of co-operation and support towards others, as all of us need help at some point(s) in our lives, more than that. It is essential that sympathetic and tolerant towards others should be taught to children so that it will make them feel better as human beings and raises their self-esteem. In particular there is a need to work with each others as difficult tasks can be easy when work in group or in a team, people can share ideas and experiences and that are helpful to make them more matured and experienced in their life and decisions.

In an ideal world, therefore, teaching our children  the balance between being competitive and co-operative; are  both vital and required in our lives.
Total words: 262

Argument essay: mobile phones

There is a lot of evidence to confirm that using mobile phones while driving is the major cause of traffic accidents growing number.

There are of course two sides to any argument. Having a mobile phone with you wherever you go even in a car is a must nowadays,  For instance, people need to have phones with them while they are driving at the night for any emergency should that happen, specially the women, it is the first security factor in the hand when you are in danger or driving alone in remote areas. And if you are in risk you can call for help;  moreover you can be called by your relatives if they need you in case of any emergency they would face. In short, your life could depend on it.

Having said all this, it is not found good to speak in the mobile while you are driving. You can always find a safe place to stop before using your phone. Drivers would be distracted by mobiles while driving as they could loose their focus in the road even if they use the hands free gadget as it is difficult to focus in the road clearly and at the same time you are busy with the phone. It has become a major problem worldwide and a lot of countries have banned the use of handheld phones while driving. In the U.A.E, the authority banned the use of mobile while driving and imposes a firm penalty on the violators to curb this phenomena.

Having your mobile with you in your car is better,. However, you should always find a safe place to park before using it. There is a great evidence that using a mobile while driving can cause major accidents.
Total words: 302

Table: underground rail systems

This table provides statistical information on the underground train systems in five major cities in four countries, the USA, Britain, France and Japan.
The oldest and the longest is London which opened in 1863, and span 394 kms. next, in same period of age, opened 1900, and length, 199 kms, is Paris. Third in both age, established in 1927, and length, 155 kms, is Tokyo. Both Kyoto, opened in 1981, and Boston, 2001, are younger and shorter, 11 kms and 28 kms in that order. In terms of passenger numbers, however, in 2010 Tokyo was the busiest, with 192M passengers, directly followed by Paris with 189M. London, with 77M, Boston with 50M and Kyoto, 45M, all carried remote less passengers.
In brief, the two oldest underground rail systems are also the longest, while the two newest are the shortest and carried the smallest number of passengers in 2010. The busiest, just ahead of Paris, was Tokyo’s.

Total words: 153

Argument essay about smoking.

This is an observation which has become more and more widespread in the world inrecent years. Nowadays, around the world, on all airlines and in most public places like Malls and shopping centers, smoking is strictly prohibited.

There are still smokers who often justify smoking by as an individual freedom. They insist that they have a right to expend their money as they desire. in addition, the smoking gives them pleasure and also benefits them by helping them to calm down and relieve stress.  for myself I agree with this point of view because I am a smoker and I fell of all that, but I also believe that freedom of choice and action as long as this does not be in somebody's space. So people can smoke but in private locations where no non-smokers are around.

In fact , smoking in public areas causes  a lot of suffering and discomfort to non-smokers. It’s not just an issue of distress. The scientific facts that smoking damages health are unquestionable. The evidence of the links between smoking and respiratory diseases and heart problems is indisputable. Governments began to recognize this over the past years and the first steps  taken were to ban TV advertising of tobacco products and to oblige cigarette manufacturers to place health warnings on cigarette packets. There is also passive smoking that causes health problems and because of that banning of smoking in public places was imposed worldwide.

Despite the fact that it is important to respect individual freedom it has no doubt that smoking is a damaging to society and should be prohibited in public places.
Total words: 269