Saturday, November 6, 2010

Reflection on procedure

Before joining the college I used to write many emails and reports for my work, and all that time I was satisfied with my English writing; in fact I always take a long time when I need to write something and that is because I try to make it simple and direct to the subject. I used to compare my writing with all my colleages and the truth is I found many are better than me.
After joining the college and taking classes in English, I found myself familiar with many words and some other phrases that are used for similarity, contrast  and writing procedures that I truly never thought to use them earlier in my writing. Now I feel that I can write whatever I want in a shorter period than I ever used to do. Also I am able to organize my writing by dividing it into an introduction, body and last the conclusion.

Total words: 155

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How to make a butter

Butter is one of the most favorite food items that almost every home has in their food shelf because it can be used alone or with some other ingredients to make a delicious sandwich or it can be added as an ingredient in meals for a tasty flavor. Today I will write a guide for making butter in your home.
First, bring and boil fresh milk that has a good quality and fat, and then leave it to cool.
Second, separate the cream and churn it properly. Third drain the buttermilk from the butter using a separator and then place the butter in a jar. Fourth, wash the butter with cold water to remove remaining buttermilk. Fifth, add a small amount of salt for flavor and finally cut, wrap and store the butter in a fridge.
Now, you are ready to use your delicious butter for your food or even as an ingredient in your cooking plates.

Total words: 160