Monday, January 3, 2011

Reflection on process writing

When the task is to describe a process using the passive voice/mood, we must use the present passive.

This is formed by using is or are with the past participle, e.g.

Orange juice is stored in a fridge.

The oranges are transported in trucks to the factory.

If we fail to use the passive when we are specifically asked to do so, we are dropped a quarter band, which can mean the difference between passing & failing.

How to change a tyre

Getting a flat tyre is inconvenient, whether it happens in town or in a remote location. It’s important to know how to change a tyre, especially if there is no garage nearby to help out.
This is what must be done. First, the wheelnuts must be loosened. This should be done before the car is raised, using the jack. Next, the car is jacked up. Then the nuts are removed. After that the wheel is removed and the spare tyre is put on. Then the nuts are tightened and the car is lowered. The nuts are tightened one last time for safety. Finally the tools are tidied away. You are now ready to drive on.
As you can see, changing a tyre is a very simple and straightforward process, but you must follow the above steps in the correct order, particularly the first step of loosening the wheelnuts before you raise the vehicle.
158 words.